His name is Muhammad Abdurrahman Al-Atsari
his parents (abi & umi) called him Abdurrahman
his "Klaten grandma & grandpa aka Mami & Papi" called him Edu (comes from Abdu)
his "Sidareja family aka my family" called him Atsa
He was born on 19th December 2006 (he has same date-birth with me (19_April) & my dad (19_August) ), in Yogyakarta, when his umi (I called her mba Maya_my sister in law) was still on co-ass of her medical study at UGM. As first grandchild in my family, so everybody loves him :) . He become our funny boy with his smiley face, smart boy, oouuhh...he is so lovely boy :)
Since October 2007, he lived in Sidareja permanently , after his umi finished her study.
So, he has met more people...and socialized a lot with them...and...he got more nickname :p
some of my neighbors & his parents's patients called him dede' Atsa or dede' Rahman
yu Ngadirah (my mom's smallholder) called him Rohman (Abdurrahman_red), and then he will resemble , but because he hasn't can speak fluently yet, he will says : Oman ...
So he is...
Atsa, Abdurrahman, Edu, Rohman, Oman....
and sometime I called him Ate' (comes from Ade', follow Hafizh :P ) ...
This day : 19th December 2008
He is 2 years old already :)
Happy birthday Atsa-Oman-ku....
auntie's smart boy, good boy...
auntie's little knight... ( you're the oldest grandchild on Mutawali family :p )
really missing the moment: (conversation between Atsa & his abi aka mas Arif_my brother)
mas Arif : Abdurrahman...anak apa?
Atsa : pinter
mas Arif : sholeh ngga?
Atsa : soleh
mas Arif : nakal ngga?
Atsa :ngga...
miss to hear you called me : tante U..fi ( his mean is tante Ofi :p )
Love you so much... my little knight :)
Singapore, 19th December 2008
lutuna... salam selamat ulang tahun ya fie...
Iya, yuy ...ntar disampein, slm dr tante meyuy :p
kangen bgt niy dgr suaranya, sayangnya akhir2 ini dia lg ngga mau ngomong di telp :P
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