What RAINBOW COLOR are you?
I'm Hello (YELLOW)

CHEERS up everyone... You are the one who make friends with stranger with your SMILEY FACE... You love SUNNY DAYS and walk on the beach or ROMANTIC DINNER You are OPTIMISTIC, BRIGHT, and CHILDLIKE.. ( based on Psychology test... actually I'm RED person, who act BLUE-ly... the HOT acts COLDly.... maybe that's why I'm YELLOW--WARM!!, it's between HOT & COLD, hot getting colder...ya it's warm )
What FLOWER are you?

You have a SUNNY disposition and are normally one on the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host ones you get there as you more more capable of making yourself seen & heard. ( Actually, my fave's flower is orchid... but I also love rose...but daffodil, it's good enough, but I haven't saw it in reality ).
What ROSE COLOR are you?
Shafiyatul is a YELLOW ROSE!

Shafiyatul is like the SUN - WARM and CARING. You are a joyful and fun person and LOVE to be AROUND your FRIENDS (I just feel, I'm not as fun as that, but it's absolutely true, I love to be around my beloved people :p ) ( Actually , my fave's white rose for its purity, but I also like pink rose for the sweetness, red rose for passion...yellow rose? it's symbolized smartness /intelligence... I love rose....whatever it's color :) it always beautiful with its own way :) )
What FOOD are you? (it refers to taste of the food)
You are a PEPPER (it refers to CHILI)

You are a spicy flirty, fun person who is a big risk taker. My advice for the peppers out there is to slow it down and find someone or something to hang on to. But either way keep up what your doing. In other words you are all for the spice of life! ( I think I''m not as spicy as that ;p )
What FRUIT are you?
I'm a POMEGRANATE ( delima )

You're unconventional ( actually, I'm kinda "taat-asas" person, and it sometimes makes me fear to break the rule , is it a lil bit conventional I think, isn't it? ) , UNIQUE, and just a lil bit tart (am I? hopefully not ;p). You know how to make a lasting impression and often do so with zest for life. ( I think I'm ORANGE, sweet but a lil bit/sometimes SOUR ...It rich of vitamin C, it’s good for body’s immunity & makes the body healthy. It’s sweet, though sometimes it’s sour. Yeah I think I’m just like it…sweet but sometimes sour, and try to be "useful person" for people around me, try to make them happy, and it’s one of my happiness : see people around me happy).
If I were a season of the year, I would be SPRING

You are SPRING
Each morning you wake up and look forward to a new day full of HOPE and promise! You are a FREE-SPIRITED person that wishes on falling stars and picks four-leaf clovers for good luck! You DREAM BIG and SIMPLY LOVE your LIFE. ...
So, how about you? wanna take those quizzes? it's fun enough :)
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