Last Saturday, I went to Far East Shopping Center with Winni & Sully. We wanted to eat at Es Teller 77 there. After we had our lunch, we walked for window shopping. We stopped at shoes shop (Trendy Zone), I was interested in a shoe, brown-leather opened shoe, with gold buckle detail in front of it (sophisticated & stylish ;p ). It's number 38, so I asked shop assistant to try no 39 (I wear 40, but sometime 39). Not too long, the shop assistant gave me the 39 ones (I already tried the 39, on the black version, and it's too small).
Then I said, it's too small, do you have 40?
"Oke", shop assistant said, and took it for me.
"Oh, it's still too small. Thanks", I was leaving.
But, the shop assistant called me : "Wait, we have bigger size, would you try it?", she gave me 41 size (different style shoes). "If it fit, I will take it for you".
"Oke, I'll try", and the I tried it, ya it's fit.
And then the shop assistant gave me the shoes, and I tried it. But, it's too big & too long.
And then I said "sorry it's too big".
"the shop assistant : "no, it's fit for you".
"Me : "Sorry, I don't feel comfortable with this".
The another shop assistant (male) came to me..: I'll take a smaller size for you".
Me : "I already tried, but it's too small, and that's (pointed the shoes just I tried) too big".
He said : "Because this is no 42, I'll take you the 41".
Me : "No thanks" (I just lost my desire to bought it).
And the the shop assistant said again :"I'll take for you".
Me : "Sorry, I already try no 40, and the you told me will take bigger size, but you gave me 42, I thought you gave me 41. Sorry". (I left the shop quickly).
Oh my God, I thought they were IMPOLITE, and INTIMIDATING. That's why I lost my desire...
We went to Lucky Plaza...just walked around....
Sometimes I stopped in front of shop's display (which sales gadget thing), because I've planned to buy MP4. And...after stopped at some shops...we stopped again in one shop, and we entered it, because the shop assistant (female) asked us to entered...
Me : "How much is it?" (Pointed the Ipod Nano)
SA : "Oh, it's 200 (something, I forgot). This one is cheaper ". (she pointed other thing)
Me : "Oh, how much is it?"
SA : "75, it's like I pod". (yeah, the style & the color is like the I pod)
Me : "Oh, that's cheap, what the brand is it?"
SA : "MP4".
Me : "What the brand is it?" (I repeated my question).
SA : "Ya, it's MP4, multi media player".
Me : "What the brand is it?" (repeated it again)
SA : "Ya, it's MP4, it's the brand : MP4" (she pointed the package, ya it's MP4!!!)
Me & Winni : "Oooo (and we laughed).
SA : "So, you'll take it?"
Me : "Sorry, I don't like the colour. " (it's available in shocking pink, shocking lime green & silver).
SA : "I'll get the colour, what's the colour do you want?"
Me : "Do you have white?"
SA : "I don't have white, but I'll give the silicon, white" P
Me : "Sorry, I don't like the colour, it's too bright".
SA : "See first".
Me : "Oke, I'll see first". (luluh juga krn kebaikannya).
Me : "Sorry, I don't like it. Thanks". (Gave her it back )
SA : "It's nice...." (still tried to persuade me politely )
Me : "Sorry, thanks"
SA : "Oke" (smile)
When we were out from that shop, Winni said : "The shop assistant is supposed to be like her, polite & not intimidating".
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9 months ago
haha... masih ada ya penjual yg sebaik itu di singapur? :-/
masih Yuy :)
hmmmm.... *masih dengan tampang ga percaya*
Alhamdulillah deh kalo gitu
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