Sunday, December 28, 2008

the Shop Assistants, the KIND & the INTIMIDATING

Last Saturday, I went to Far East Shopping Center with Winni & Sully. We wanted to eat at Es Teller 77 there. After we had our lunch, we walked for window shopping. We stopped at shoes shop (Trendy Zone), I was interested in a shoe, brown-leather opened shoe, with gold buckle detail in front of it (sophisticated & stylish ;p ). It's number 38, so I asked shop assistant to try no 39 (I wear 40, but sometime 39). Not too long, the shop assistant gave me the 39 ones (I already tried the 39, on the black version, and it's too small).
Then I said, it's too small, do you have 40?
"Oke", shop assistant said, and took it for me.
"Oh, it's still too small. Thanks", I was leaving.
But, the shop assistant called me : "Wait, we have bigger size, would you try it?", she gave me 41 size (different style shoes). "If it fit, I will take it for you".
"Oke, I'll try", and the I tried it, ya it's fit.
And then the shop assistant gave me the shoes, and I tried it. But, it's too big & too long.
And then I said "sorry it's too big".
"the shop assistant : "no, it's fit for you".
"Me : "Sorry, I don't feel comfortable with this".
The another shop assistant (male) came to me..: I'll take a smaller size for you".
Me : "I already tried, but it's too small, and that's (pointed the shoes just I tried) too big".
He said : "Because this is no 42, I'll take you the 41".
Me : "No thanks" (I just lost my desire to bought it).
And the the shop assistant said again :"I'll take for you".
Me : "Sorry, I already try no 40, and the you told me will take bigger size, but you gave me 42, I thought you gave me 41. Sorry". (I left the shop quickly).

Oh my God, I thought they were IMPOLITE, and INTIMIDATING. That's why I lost my desire...

We went to Lucky Plaza...just walked around....
Sometimes I stopped in front of shop's display (which sales gadget thing), because I've planned to buy MP4. And...after stopped at some shops...we stopped again in one shop, and we entered it, because the shop assistant (female) asked us to entered...
Me : "How much is it?" (Pointed the Ipod Nano)
SA : "Oh, it's 200 (something, I forgot). This one is cheaper ". (she pointed other thing)
Me : "Oh, how much is it?"
SA : "75, it's like I pod". (yeah, the style & the color is like the I pod)
Me : "Oh, that's cheap, what the brand is it?"
SA : "MP4".
Me : "What the brand is it?" (I repeated my question).
SA : "Ya, it's MP4, multi media player".
Me : "What the brand is it?" (repeated it again)
SA : "Ya, it's MP4, it's the brand : MP4" (she pointed the package, ya it's MP4!!!)
Me & Winni : "Oooo (and we laughed).
SA : "So, you'll take it?"
Me : "Sorry, I don't like the colour. " (it's available in shocking pink, shocking lime green & silver).
SA : "I'll get the colour, what's the colour do you want?"
Me : "Do you have white?"
SA : "I don't have white, but I'll give the silicon, white" P
Me : "Sorry, I don't like the colour, it's too bright".
SA : "See first".
Me : "Oke, I'll see first". (luluh juga krn kebaikannya).
Me : "Sorry, I don't like it. Thanks". (Gave her it back )
SA : "It's nice...." (still tried to persuade me politely )
Me : "Sorry, thanks"
SA : "Oke" (smile)

When we were out from that shop, Winni said : "The shop assistant is supposed to be like her, polite & not intimidating".

Friday, December 26, 2008

Life Is Wonderful_Jason Mraz

"Life Is Wonderful"

It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying

It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction

La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn brother
And it takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other

And it takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished

Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la

It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life is meaningful
Ha la la la la la life is wonderful
Ha la la la la la life it wonderful
It is so meaningful
It is so wonderful
It is meaningful
It is wonderful
It is meaningful
It goes full circle
Full circle

Thursday, December 25, 2008

merindukan MAKNA

A few days ago, Wisnu wrote his fb satus, Angga commented on it, then so did I. It's about Power Rangers, which successfully reminded us of our childhood memories. And the discussion (I called it as discussion because the comments was getting longer), the discussion had got wider. We talked about kid's idols currently, kid song

I said about how I enjoy the song (music), that I prefer the lyric than the rhythm, tune, etc. because I'm not good in music. I said my opinion about Indonesian's song currently.... Angga said about taste. And finally I just realized that I mentioned "meaning" for many time on that discussion. And finally I stated: I was crazy in "meaning"...missing to architecture-ing (which means philosophy-ing).

I'm missing the meaning...
miss to find...meaning...
miss to get...meaning...
miss to feel...meaning...
miss to mean...
miss to be meant

Aku rindu akan makna...
rindu menemukan makna...
rindu mendapatkan makna...
rindu merasakan makna...
rindu memaknai...
rindu menjadi bermakna

(Gw tulis bahasa Indonesianya...krn mungkin terjadi penangkapan makna yang tidak sama dengan apa yang gw maksudkan... krn keterbatasan kemampuan gw dlm menuliskan ;p ).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So, what do I look like ...?

Oh my will be my 3rd post today...
I have so much time today (after my half day, which was I had office's brunch time at 10am, so it can be said I didn't work today). So, this is me Novel-Sully's room, in front of Novel's laptop...facebooking, deviantarting (not submitting, just checking the message), blogging....

Okay, I wanna tell some stories... (kaya ndongeng aja :p )


Berawal dr percakapan di facebook...dengan seorang tmn yg add gw di fb... (dia anak Metalurgi UI 2005), jd dia orang Aceh (he mentioned it on his fb's name : Taufiqurrahman Aceh)

Taufiqurrahman (TA) : salamalekom, haiii, pu haba??
Shafiyatul (Me) : wass...pu haba? apa tuh artinya? (gw bingung dong, apa coba artinya, p kbr si sptnya)
percakapan ttg kul dmn...sampe akhirnya...
TA : skrang kerja dmn? anak aceh ya??
Me : di Singapore... emg gw ada tampang aceh ya?
TA : syarifah or sayed biasanya nama orang aceh,, mang bukan ya?? gw skrang lg kuliah di metalurgi ui,,
Me : I'm Shafiyatul, iya siy, nama gw berbau arab
TA : hehe,,, mirip arab koq,
Me : wah...makasih2 dibilang mirip arab (mengingat hidungnya bd bgt :) )
...bla bla bla........
TA : mang ofi orang mn? sunda ya?? rumah di indonesia daerah mn?
Me : Jawa-25% Madura, rumah di cilacap-Jateng, kmu asli aceh?
TA : pantesan,, orang madura mirip arab dan biasanya alim-alim,,hehe.. saya aceh asli,, rumah di bireun, dkat markas beser GAM,,hehehe
hari ini gw dikira orang ACEH, ARAB, ato SUNDA...

another story...
When I went to Jo Chiat Complex to bought some fabric...
the shopkeeper asked me...
Mr Shopkeeper : Are you Filipino?
Me : no, I'm not.... I'm Indonesian...the Filipino doesn't wear veil (I pointed my veil)
Mr : Sometimes some of them wear it...
so....I'm guessed that I'm Filipino.... Am i like FILIPINO?

cerita tentang mirip INTAN NURAINI...

About a year ago... ( around June 2007)
I went to walk-in interview with Anggi & Lia (TI UI 03)...
When I was waiting for my turn... a security guard talked to us...
Pak Satpam : Kamu (sambil nunjuk gw) mirip Intan Nuraini ya?
Gw : Makasih Pak...iya Pakde saya pernah bilang gitu juga ( Pakde Marwan_kakak Umi bilang klo gw mirip intan Nuraini_red )
Pak Satpam : orang Sunda ya?
Gw : bukan Pak, saya orang Jawa...

Lebaran 2003 , pas lagi ngumpul di rumah mbah di Cilacap...
mba Linda (putri sulung Pakde Marwan) : de' Ofi, kata Papa, de' Ofi mirip Intan Nuraini...
de' Ofi : wah..makasih mba...
mba Linda : iya de...klo Papa kangen de' Ofi, Papa liat Intan di TV, trs bilang mirip de' Ofi
mengenai hal akui sometimes I looks like Intan Nuraini on some pic (with certain angle)...I watched it after Pakde Marwan said that..
maybe it caused by I have deep cheek & big nose (but Intan's big nose is pretty doesn't mean I don't grateful with mine ;p )

Suatu hari di Selasars UI...
Bo : "Fi, elo mirip LUNA MAYA.."
Gw : "hah? masa siy Bo? (dengan ekspresi seneng banget) , gw kn suka bgt ma Luna Maya...Klo elo liat gw g pake jilbab mungkin, tp kn selalu liat gw pke jilbab Bo.."
Bo : "Iya...apalagi klo idung & bibir elo lbh kecil, dan mata elo lbh gede...tapi emang mirip ko :p ..
lalu berlanjutlah...intinya gw bilang klo Bo habis bilang Gw mirip Luna Maya..."
komen mereka?
Asti menyetujui...
Terry menyetujui...(dgn bilang: "klo diliat2 emg agak mirip si...")
...suatu hari di ruang kelas ( C 301)...intinya Gatot bilang..."cie yang mirip Luna Maya"..
gw sahut : "Itu kn Bo yang bilang :p" ...
Gatot nimpalin lg : "Klo Bo yang bilang biasanya emg bnr :p"
(Kadang gw liat agak mirip Luna Maya si ;p )

Suz Pri (Pria Kurniawan) bilang : "Fi, elo kyUni2 Padang..."
(fyi : Pria ini keturunan Padang)
Lalu Bo akan menyanggah : "Ngga, Ofi tuh Batak, liat dong idungnya Batak banget" (and after that I just realized that it's true, I have big nose :p )
( Bo Batak-Padang)
maka mba Dewi akan melerai : "Udah ah..Ofi itu Jawa banget lagi"...
mba Dewi aka Kresh keturunan Jawa tulen (Jawa Timur)
Gw : "Mungkin krn gw pke jilbab jd elo (Pria) blg gw ky org Padang... :p Gw 75% JAWA - 25% MADURA"
Bo : "oo pantes ada Maduranya, makanya rahangnya kuat"

Di asrama, gw cerita ke tmn2...sejak saat itu Ria kdg manggil gw Intan :p

Jadi tampang saya (muka saya) seperti apa?
bisa dibilang Indonesia bgt ngga? (Padang-Batak-Jawa-Madura-
Sunda bahkan Aceh...agak aneh juga ya Sunda, ini beda banget garis mukanya, Sunda kn garisnya alus...) ato campuran Indonesia?
ato global? mengingat ada yang nyangka gw orang Filipin ...
(sebenernya ada sedikit cerita lain lg, bbrp hari yang lalu, penjual makanan (Indonesia Parsanga nama stall-y, di Amoy Food Center), bilang gw mirip SITI NURHALIZA (ini mnrt gw si ngga, gw blm menemukan di mana letak kemiripannya :p )

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What did quizzes say about me?

These are results of some quizzes I've been took. I capitalized, which I feel like it (it's so me).... so what do you think? Do these show who I am enough?

What RAINBOW COLOR are you?

I'm Hello (YELLOW) Yellow

CHEERS up everyone... You are the one who make friends with stranger with your SMILEY FACE... You love SUNNY DAYS and walk on the beach or ROMANTIC DINNER You are OPTIMISTIC, BRIGHT, and CHILDLIKE.. ( based on Psychology test... actually I'm RED person, who act BLUE-ly... the HOT acts COLDly.... maybe that's why I'm YELLOW--WARM!!, it's between HOT & COLD, hot getting colder...ya it's warm )

What FLOWER are you?

You have a SUNNY disposition and are normally one on the first to show up for the party.
You don't need too much attention from the host ones you get there as you more more capable of making yourself seen & heard. ( Actually, my fave's flower is orchid... but I also love rose...but daffodil, it's good enough, but I haven't saw it in reality ).

What ROSE COLOR are you?
Shafiyatul is a YELLOW ROSE!

Shafiyatul is like the SUN
- WARM and CARING. You are a joyful and fun person and LOVE to be AROUND your FRIENDS (I just feel, I'm not as fun as that, but it's absolutely true, I love to be around my beloved people :p ) ( Actually , my fave's white rose for its purity, but I also like pink rose for the sweetness, red rose for passion...yellow rose? it's symbolized smartness /intelligence... I love rose....whatever it's color :) it always beautiful with its own way :) )

What FOOD are you? (it refers to taste of the food)
You are a PEPPER (it refers to CHILI)

You are a spicy flirty, fun person who is a big risk taker. My advice for the peppers out there is to slow it down and find someone
or something to hang on to. But either way keep up what your doing. In other words you are all for the spice of life! ( I think I''m not as spicy as that ;p )

What FRUIT are you?
I'm a POMEGRANATE ( delima )

You're unconventional ( actually, I'm kinda "taat-asas" person, and it sometimes makes me fear to break the rule , is it a lil bit conventional I think, isn't it? ) , UNIQUE, and just a lil bit tart (am I? hopefully not ;p). You know how to make a lasting impression and often do so with zest for life. ( I think I'm ORANGE, sweet but a lil bit/sometimes SOUR ...It rich of vitamin C, it’s good for body’s immunity & makes the body healthy. It’s sweet, though sometimes it’s sour. Yeah I think I’m just like it…sweet but sometimes sour, and try to be "useful person" for people around me, try to make them happy, and it’s one of my happiness : see people around me happy).

If I were a season of the year, I would be SPRING

You are SPRING
Each morning you wake up and look forward to a new day full of HOPE and promise
! You are a FREE-SPIRITED person that wishes on falling stars and picks four-leaf clovers for good luck! You DREAM BIG and SIMPLY LOVE your LIFE. ...

So, how about you? wanna take those quizzes? it's fun e
nough :)


what we want?
to get all that we desire

what woman want?
to be all DESIRABLE

GOD always gives us what we NEED, not what we WANT...
But I can't deny that it'll be the best if we could get what we NEED & it's truly what we WANT.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Motivator, Supporter, Tutor, & Teacher named Umi

This day, 22nd December, we (Indonesian) celebrate Mother Day. So, today, I wanna dedicate this to my beloved mom_Umi.

We call her Umi, it's Arabic for mom...
her name is Siti Maemunah... She was born in 1951, 16th March (but it's mentioned 1950 at id). She was 24 when married with my father_Abah (1975). One year later, they got 1st_daughter (mba Nung), 2nd_daughter (mba Lely) in 1978, 3rd_son (mas Arif) in 1980, and 4th_daughter (me) in 1985.

1989, her beloved husband (our father) passed away, my father was 44 & my mom was 38. So...there she was...she has to become single parent for her 4 children : mba Nung 13, mba Lely 11, mas Arif 9, and me 4. Can you imagine that?'s really hard..... ( I just knew about years ago, my mom's brother said to me...that he really worried when imagine what would we become without our father, a family without a "leader"...)

My mom runs her life & her family...alone. She has to be strong & tough as a leader....she become main structure of our family. She has to able handle everything...her children life, housekeeping thing.... by herself. Like another ordinary woman...sometimes she falls-down....sometimes her tear was dropped.... ( when saw that, I felt so guilty, because most of reason that happened : she can't handled we anymore : our naughtiness ).

I always remember....what she often said to us....:
"...although, you don't have father, you have to seems like other kids ( with complete parents ). You have to prove to them ( world ), if you could .... " at that time, I hadn't understood yet, what does it mean, after I knew it, mean because,sometimes we were underestimated ( by others, by neighbors, etc ). That's why, we have to prove it....that we can....she is our MOTIVATOR....

Single parent of 4's really hard...emotionally, and ... materially.... She earned money for our life, try to make our life normally, she has to spend the money wisely, fortunately she is frugal person. But, for education thing, she would spend without hesitancy. When I was in kindergarten & elementary school, I was chosen to participated at painting competitions, so she would give me the best color pencil & doodle sets, the best she could find in my place, though it's expensive enough for us. She SUPPORTS so much....

She loves hand-crafting, and she's good on it. So...just like mother like daughter....I also love it.
I remember, one day, I played coconut leaves, my mom came, she took some of it, and then taught me made flower from it ( usually the flower is made by "Japan ribbon"). It's such a creative, isn't limited by material. She often taught me to make something, and proudly I say : when I was in school, I've got excellent in art ( exp. hand-crafting ), it because my mom...thanks Mi... she is truly my TUTOR, my TEACHER....she's so creative....

My mom is really creative... when I said to my college's friends : "If my mom studied architecture, she would become a good architect", because she really aware with physical & nature condition, the sun daylight.... ( we learned "Fisika Bangunan" ). She naturally...aware it...she applicate it in daily life...when she drying clothes, she will locate & order those based on on daylight ( sun, shading ), isn't it good? definitely :p

Singapore, 22nd December 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy birthday Atsa-Oman, auntie's smart boy & little knight

His name is Muhammad Abdurrahman Al-Atsari

his parents (abi & umi) called him Abdurrahman
his "Klaten grandma & grandpa aka Mami & Papi" called him Edu (comes from Abdu)
his "Sidareja family aka my family" called him Atsa

He was born on 19th December 2006 (he has same date-birth with me (19_April) & my dad (19_August) ), in Yogyakarta, when his umi (I called her mba Maya_my sister in law) was still on co-ass of her medical study at UGM. As first grandchild in my family, so everybody loves him :) . He become our funny boy with his smiley face, smart boy, oouuhh...he is so lovely boy :)

Since October 2007, he lived in Sidareja permanently , after his umi finished her study.

So, he has met more people...and socialized a lot with them...and...he got more nickname :p
some of my neighbors & his parents's patients called him dede' Atsa or dede' Rahman
yu Ngadirah (my mom's smallholder) called him Rohman (Abdurrahman_red), and then he will resemble , but because he hasn't can speak fluently yet, he will says : Oman ...

So he is...
Atsa, Abdurrahman, Edu, Rohman, Oman....
and sometime I called him Ate' (comes from Ade', follow Hafizh :P ) ...

This day : 19th December 2008
He is 2 years old already :)

Happy birthday Atsa-Oman-ku....
auntie's smart boy, good boy...
auntie's little knight... ( you're the oldest grandchild on Mutawali family :p )

really missing the moment: (conversation between Atsa & his abi aka mas Arif_my brother)
mas Arif : Abdurrahman...anak apa?
Atsa : pinter
mas Arif : sholeh ngga?
Atsa : soleh
mas Arif : nakal ngga?
Atsa :ngga...

miss to hear you called me : tante ( his mean is tante Ofi :p )

Love you so much... my little knight :)

Singapore, 19th December 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ujung Pensil Warnaku

Just love the statistic of my gallery today
It's 0.9 _ 19 _ 90
fave per deviation _ most favourited _ most favourited viewed

and...I just realized,today's 9th December anyway...

So, 9 is number of this day :p
ha ha it's such a unimportant thing :p
but I love this thing :p

Also can viewed on here

Monday, July 28, 2008

This "not too good feeling"

It's's painful for me....but it have to.
Finally, I brave to told it....(thanks Vel for always support me to told it).

I don't know your really reaction....angry....hate me...or whatever..."I don't care" because I care of you.

I don't care, even you hate me...I think it's better to you hate me now...maybe it made you painful too....but I hope it awake you and make you better for the the future,...Amiin...and if it could make you's really better...Now, it's not important about your feeling to me or me in people's perception (even maybe I lost my pride),....because....see you better is more important.

I really hope you mean it. It's all because I care about you....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cintaku Masih Menggagah

Cintaku masih menggagah
Hatiku gelisah…
Pikiranku tak menentu berarah
Aku resah…
Tak ingin kumarah
Dan tak pernah…

Maaf aku menyerah
Maaf aku lemah…

Bukan karena salah…
Aku menyerah…
Maaf...aku lemah…
Singapore, 20 Juni 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008


kangen tatapanmu...

kangen di sampingmu...

kangen mendengar suaramu...

kangen bermanja padamu...

kangen bersamamu...


1st post

This is my first post at blogger.
Actually I already have a blog at my FS account, and don't purposely to make it a new blog. I just wanted to leave a comment on Novel's blog (, but to leave a comment must have account on blogger or google, so I signed up .

So, next time....I'll fill this blog...with same written with on my fs blog ( ).

C again :)

I just aware 'bout a lit "not important thing" ...
I make this blog on 19 June .. fave number